Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Panama is a small county..."

From the day we arrived in Panama, we have heard Panamanians saying "Panama is a small country, but...".  There have been various endings to this sentence stem depending on the situation, but we have heard "Panama is a small country, but we are a diverse country/ it is full of strong-willed people/ we have the most variety of orchids in the world/ we have the most beautiful beaches/ we have the best coffee," etc.  Well, Panama, we have a few endings to that sentence, too:

Panama is a small country, but it is an amazing country.  A country full of caring, prideful people, as well as beautiful land and cityscapes.  It is a country where fried food is eaten three times a day...and that's okay! :) 

We came to Panama not knowing what to expect, and not really knowing much of anything about it other than what we knew about the Canal.  We came to Panama looking to experience something new, take on some great adventures, and meet new people.  While Genevieve and I took our last walk along the Cinta Costera this morning, I couldn't help but think about how our trip to Panama far exceeded our expectations in so many ways.  We are so fortunate to have been given this oportunity and to leave with such wonderful memories.  As for the friends we've made while we've been here, we hope you will come visit us in are always welcome! 

So now, all that is left to do is to finish packing up our apartment, enjoy one more pizza from Athens, and drink one more Baloba beer.  It is going to be a long day tomorrow, but something tells me it will feel good to sleep in our own bed again. 

Panama is a small country, but it has been our home for the past three months and we will truly miss it.  Hasta luego, Panama...hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar!

James heads out for his last day of work at KPMG Panama

1 comment:

Laurie Hall said...

Sweet adios to your host country! Thanks for blogging and for posting pictures -- it helped us visualize your many adventures. And cute last day of work pic --it looks like James got tanner in Panama :) Love to you all, Laurie xoxo